MDKP College of Law has been established on a cornerstone of academic excellence and on its pride in achieving national prominence for its pride in achieving national prominence for its focus and dedication to the study and understanding of humanbehaviours from a commitment to offer comprehensive professional training in tune with the latest developments in the field of Knowledge. Our innovative programs anticipate the changing needs of the community and prepare professionals to live, work, and learn as active members of a global society. We measure quality not just in terms of academic success, but also by the impact our students and faculty have on their professions and in the country and world. We are dedicated to blending theory and practice, always remembering that the purpose of education in our context is to translate between faculty and students. It underlies all our programs, enabling graduates of MDKP College of Law to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals, and in the effectiveness of organization's businesses and communities.
At this juncture, we are in our second year of service to the students. I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have made significant contributions in starting this humble institution for legal education. MDKP College of Law strives hard to successfully develop a holistic system where the nitty -gritty of formal education has been intricately woven with moral,spiritual,and social education. The dynamism of the young talent blooming in our garden is being tapped; the skills and the potentialities of its students are being mined out and chiseled. When students leave the portals of this institution, they will be ready to take on the world.
As technology increasingly takes over knowledge based work, education must keep abreast with the ever changing world. Curriculum must be constantly redesigned to be consistent with its purpose of supporting its studentsā€™ personal and professional development.
We are aware of the challenges that lie ahead and will leave no stone unturned to further enrich the rich legacy of this esteemed institution. May the Almighty shower His blessings on us all and give us the strength to face all the challenges that come our way.